Marco Rapaccini
Web & Product Development

💻 Hi, I am human being working with software since 2016
✨ I transform a vision into human-friendly, working technology
👇 See below my services
🔣 Custom Software Development
📶 IoT & Wearables Prototyping
🆕 Digital Transition Consulting
🆙 Tech Booster for Startups & SMEs
🆒 Web Applications Artisan
👇 Scroll down and explore my world
✍️ Blog →
My digital garden with seeds about life, code and other stuff
🔗 LinkedIn →
Probably the best way to contact me
🐈 GitHub →
Hey, it compiles! Wait, why?
📖️ Medium →
Read my technical articles on Medium
🐦 Twitter →
I don't have a blue check but I post good content

🌲 This is a minimalist website with low impact on the environment